Being a parent can be stressful at times. There are so many questions and uncertainties. There are so many outside opinions and friendly words of advice. But, have you ever wondered, is that normal? Shouldn’t my child be doing “___” right now? Why isn’t he sitting up yet? Why does he cry after he eats? Why is his head tilted to one side? Why does he cry when we all sing “Happy Birthday” or at family gatherings?
If you have a repeating worry or concern and something is telling you “something just isn’t right,” follow it. Many times, a parents’ instinct is right on track and we are here to help.
A simple phone call starts the process. Often, a brief conversation with one of our clinicians will let you know if your concerns are unfounded or if an evaluation may be appropriate. We are here to help you and to help your child.
Please contact the office closest to your home to help you get started: Contact Us
Please see the payment and insurance information so that you can be prepared to start services: Payment and Insurance